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Online Act! Quote

CRM Konfigurator - 2022 Q1 Pricing Model

Please complete the following questionnaire to help us better understand your CRM needs. This will only take 30-60 seconds of your time, and will lead to a tailor-made, no obligation quote, that you can print, share, submit to a sales rep for follow-up, or proceed to purchase.

1. CRM Users

How many CRM users do you have?


2. Existing User

Are you a past Act! user?


3. Database Hosting

Did you wish to host your database on the Cloud, or self-host your database internally?


4. Custom Tables

Would you like to use "custom tables" in your database? These are for managing complex data sets in your database like tracking contracts, support tickets, products, large ticket sales items, or renewing policies like mortgages, warranties, insurance, investments, etc.


5. Marketing Automation

Are you interested in growing your business through emarketing campaigns and marketing automation?


6. Monthly Emails

How many monthly email sends do you think you'll need?


7. Workflow Building

Are you interested in building workflow back into your database to trigger follow-up actions for your sales team, or include those contacts in future campaign based on their responses?


8. Online Media & Assets

Would you like to use videos, PDF documents, or other digital assets in conjunction with webforms to harvest audience sign-ups that get automatically added to your database and future campaigns?


9. Handheld Contact

How many of your users will need Act! on their mobile devices ($84 per user, per year)?


Thank you for filling in the questionnaire. Based on your answers, we recommend the following annual CRM subscription choices.

Product Unit Price   Qty Total Price

Total USD $ 0.00
Subsequent (recurring) USD $ 0.00

Small Print:

  • all costs listed above are annual subscription costs. Discounted items renew at the normal list price unless indicated otherwise.
  • Increases in user quantity can be done during the course of your subscription. As the rate for these additional seat(s) will be prorated, we ask that you contact sales for a precise quotation for your existing account. Decreases in user quantity can only be done at renewal.
  • any orders submitted based on invalid eligibility or inaccurate information are subject to cancellation.
  • Please review Swiftpage refund policy HERE.

500 Gordon Baker Road,
Toronto ON M2H 3B4
  1.800.857.0558 - 416.499.3090
  [email protected]